Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Little Rant Planned

I have a little rant planned for release soon. So, watch out for that.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry X-Mas

So, this time its for real, since right now is official Christmas day;


What did you get for Christmas?

Me, I got a SNES Mini. And a bunch of crazy good games including a sealed copy of F-Zero.

Monday, December 24, 2007

SNES Version 1 vs. SNES Version 2

So, before you start to read this little entry, I'm just gonna say that both of the SNES releases were amazing. They each added a little bit to the legend that is. One of the releases actually starts off the system, while the other release improves the look of the SNES greatly.*

As some of you may know, around the time of the release of the Nintendo 64, Nintendo decided to re-release its now famous Super Nintendo. This new SNES was not actually and better per say, but some people think that this re-release was nicer; do to its smaller, "sexier" shape. Why Nintendo decided to re-release is something that I personally don't know, but I believe it has something to do with them wanting to make the console more appealing. One lil' stupid move that Nintendo made was to have it so that the newer SNES was only RF and Composite cabling. (That Red, White and Yellow ones.) For some damn reason, S-Video was and still is not an option. Even if you hooked up an S-Video cable, the SNES would not show the sharper graphics. Why Nintendo did this, I don't know. To recuperate for this dumb move, Nintendo made it so the newer SNES yellows a lot less easy.
In the end, I personally believe that the re-release is the better of the two. The re-release is superior solely because of its aesthetics. To me, the difference between S-Video and Composite is something that I cannot notice! (Probably because I have shitty eyes.)
However, I am sure people have mixed opinions, so, post your hearts out on which version you think is better.

The original SNES. Image gotten from Wikipedia article.

The smaller SNES. Image gotten from some

*This whole looks are improves thing is taken off of what the average consumer thought.

Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger
No, I'm not going to review this game at this time, because that would be insane and would lead to like a shitload of shit words. I am just here to say 2 things; first and foremost, this game fuckin' rapes your anus. It's amazing. 2nd and secondmost (?) expect a review coming soon...not now, but definitely within the next 2-3 weeks.
Oh yeah, by the way, I always steal the old mans lunch. I mean, its delicious.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays...Again

So this time its for real, maybe.


Edit: Just kidding, turns out I get internet access here as well.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Text Review: Pocky & Rocky

Pocky & Rocky

Pocky & Rocky for the Super Nintendo is one of those games where you might look at the box art and decide not to play it. I mean, come on, the boxart features a little girl with an oddly shaped head and a raccoon, sorry tanuki, with eyes bigger than leopard's testicles. You were taught to never judge a book bye its cover, but unfortunately, with this game you probably did judge this "book" by its "cover." Probably because your parents beat you when you were a child, but I am not 100% sure.

In this game for, as indicated by the box art, you could play as Pocky, a stereotypical Asian girl, who according to wikipedia is a miko, (princess) that throws these playing cards at people. Or, you can decide to be normal and pick the far superior character*, Rocky. Now, Rocky doesn't throw something stupid, he throws leaves. Fucking leaves! I guess they are tipped with razor blades or something.

The story about this game doesn't exactly the greatest story, but then again, what game on the SNES apart from the RPG games head a good story? None. However, the story of this game is that Rocky's group of gang bangers the "Nopino Goblins" are acting up, and its to Pocky & Rocky to figure out why! Yay! Crazy goblins!

The boss of the second level. A crazy bitch that spits fire at you.

So onto the game play. Lemme tell you that later on, this game becomes actually pretty difficult. Not, "holy crap I will wet myself because I cannot beat this game!" but closer to "whew, this game is pretty tough, I might have to take a break." That is just something interesting that you might want to know. Natsume, being the great company that it is, also decided to add co-op to this game. Lemme tell you, apart from Contra 3 and this game there are practically no other games I will play in co-op. I don't know why. That's just the way it is, and if you don't like that, you can set your pubes on fire and eat them...or something, do whatever you want. I don't actually care...

The buttons for this game are all really solid and it controls real well. Never once when I was playing this game was I blaming deaths on the controls. There is you standard move with the d-pad, attack, then there is a move that has a double use factor. You can use it either a really fast melee attack, our you can use it to repel all bullets flying at you. You will be become really acquainted with this move because, if you don't want to die a lot, you need to learn to love it...a lot. Sort of like a cute rabbit, except its not alive. One weird game play choice Natsume decided to go with was to make a regular attack button, and then a rapid fire attack button. The rapid fire bullets do the same damage, its just they come out even faster, so, you will probably never ever use the regular attack function. If someone knows the difference or why they did this, please, please e-mail me at

All in all I would recommend this as a solid buy. You can get it for around $15, but I'm not sure any of you who would read this would actually buy it. The co-op is great, and really adds to the fun factor of this game. If you really don't like the more "cutesy" types of games though, you might want to stray away from this title.

*There is no actual difference, but Rocky is far cooler. Like he will butt-rape your aunt without a problem cooler.

Happy Holidays Redux

So, Imma post this now instead of later, cuz I won't be here, and might not be able to update my blog!


Edit: Just kidding, it turns out the hotel I am staying has the internet, sans charge! ; )

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Do You Remember; Do-Re-Mi Fantasy

New episode coming right up! This time it is Do-Re-Mi Fantasy on the SNES (Japanese Version.)

Angry/Shitty Game Reviews

I'm sorry guys, but come on, this idea is not so original. I really don't care about the whole controversy about AVGN is better, or Irate Gamer. Who the fuck cares!? Unless your review is not some stale old game that the countless others have reviewed, or unless your actually funny, don't do it! Please, I would much rather hear about AWESOME games that I haven't played than some shitty I was not going to play in the first place!

PS: If your good at making said videos, go ahead, entertain people! Please, everybody could do with more funny! :P

PSS: If you make review videos, make sure people can hear you clearly at all times. It's much better to hear a consistent person droning on and on about a game, than a pretty good review more varying in its voice than a pre-pubescent asshole.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Top 10 SNES Games

Yeah, I know, its not so original anymore. Who cares, the SNES was a great system and I feel that anyone that is reading the blog should fucking know what I think the top ten games for it are. Who know, maybe I might make a video out of this entry.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Do You Remember: Pilotwings

So, today on the 1st episode of Do You Remember? I'll be taking a look at the SNES classic Pilotwings.